FW 1:7:176 Redux - Shem's games revised!
January 30th, a Haunted Inkbottle.
We the engathered enjoyed a hearty feast of Wakefulness. Looking back on what transpired at our June meeting of last year, I'm made aware that we have overlapped a little. Last time we appear to have arrived at the list of games (p176); this time, we backtracked to remember the lay of the land, but stopped again at The Games. This time round was a lot more fun for various reasons. A new member has joined (Welcome, LM), and there were no planes to catch post-pikelets.
Thus we plunged again into the world of Shem and his 'scriptural arguments' (172). We discussed how Shem the writer (penman) could be in his "bardic memory low" - has he forgotten on his poetry? The phrase is also prescient of our modern reliance on RAM. We also thought there may be a clue to Joyce's age on p173 and thought to check his age at the time of writing Shem (was he 'furtivefree yours of age'?)
Interesting in all things Indian, I was curious about "tamileasy" (173). I also liked the reference to bungled language and writing: 'the various meanings of all the different foreign parts of speech he misused". We all had the energy to dig into the rhythm of "the rigmarole", and the ink-marked pages of my copy of FW are testament of the excitement of the moment: discoveries, revelations and ludicrosity.